Aug 14, 2010

Emerging challenges for HR professionals- 2. Technology

2. Technology: We in India have been benefiting from the way we have "leapfrogged" technology, like we have are having all latest technologies in mobile like 3G, Wimax, MNP and at lowest rates than anywhere in world. We shall keep on riding on this wave  and employees working with us shall be the first to experiment with new technologies. The power of Web 2.0 and social media and networking is something we still have to experience. There  is major difference between how Organisations of past have dealt with information and how we need to in future. Information was power and it was limited to few people only  but todays generation wants everything to be know immediately, the want things(polices, information etc) to be transparent and quick. There is a dissonance between the two ideologies which shall create friction unless the transition  is made. Social technologies we have just started to experience , we shall see more of it and we need to leverage this to connect and engage with the employees.
Q1. Are we acknowledging the need to be more transparent with Gen Y?
Q2. Are we looking at social technology as an enabler for engagement and information or oblivious to it?


  1. Awesome work.Just wanted to drop a comment and say I am new to your blog and really like what I am reading.Thanks for the share

  2. Hey keep posting such good and meaningful articles.
